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Goals for 2015 

Gender Equality

Every day two women die in Colombia just for the simple fact that they are a woman. The goal is to completely have the abuse and violence come to a stop in Colombia. UN Women, UNFPA and IOM are the ones who are in charge of the program. The program was also joined with 13 other programs to help people see gender inequalities and see the way that violence is done to women.

99% of the abortions that take place are illegal
On average every 4 days a woman was murdered by her spouse.
Women work about 10 hours more a week than men and still get paid 20% less

Universal Education​​

In Colombia the way the school system is set up is kids go to daycare until they are 6 years old from there to stay in school from ages 6-12 doing grades 1-5. From the age of 12-15 they do basic secondary school and after doing the secondary school they have to take a test called prueba de estado.

Poverty & Hunger


The amount of hunger that is in Colombia is now expanding faster than in Africa. Halve the amount of people that suffer from hunger by 2015 for those who make less than a dollar a day.

9% of people live on a $1 a day

In 2012 an agreement was signed in order to end child labor laws. By this time there were over 1 million kids being forced to work. With the agreement being signed this was suppose to allow child labor to come to an end and allow kids to be able to educate and train the future. The Colombian Childhood Alliance was made to help guarantee that kids rights will be protected
- Reduced child mortality so for every 1000 kids only 21 die.

Child Health

Combat HIV/AIDS:

Allowing people ages 15-24 to have the correct knowledge about HIV/AIDS

-People ages 15-49 are the ones who have been affected mostly by the epidemic of Aids/HIV

-The amount of women living with HIV/Aids and being pregnant has sky rocket and now there is medicine to make sure this doesn't pass on to the children. 

A proposal from the government of Colombia has been made in order to find a way to make Colombia sustainable.

Environmental Sustainability

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